HumanGuide Cards

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Are you happy with your life or can it be improved?

It's not that easy to answer…

As a friend said, when he was divorced: He didn't really think it was possible to have so good time in a relation...

It is difficult to describe an experience, so others fully can imagine what it is like. On the other hand, of course, you are sometimes in situations where you feel like a fish in the water. If it's often that way during the day, you're probably doing well;-)

What then determines - what is good or bad?

It's about matching... For example, does your job suit your personality (driving forces) and your core values? Do you have a good boss? Co-workers, who you enjoy being with? You are in a good culture? You have good friends and a good life partner?

How can we contribute to you having a good life?
Well, by taking our HumanGuide personality test. The personality is quite stable over time, so if you have a nuanced perception of your personality, you get several advantages. Through the increased awareness, it becomes easier
- to choose a good life partner, with whom you enjoy being together - for a long time!
- to choose a suitable job during your working life!
– to have appropriate strategies to interact with different people, because not everyone is like you;-)

Many people have taken personality tests. Even several. They may have gained some insights about themselves and others, but what do you do next? The knowledge that you get should become something that you use more or less daily. That is what our goal is: That you find your unique strengths and thus have a better life!

Why should you choose the HumanGuide personality test?
A strong reason is that the underlying theory consists of eight basic dimensions, so you can make sharper conclusions, when choosing a suitable job or life partner, for example;-) Several tests on the market, for example DISC, only have four basic dimensions. Or the tests, which are based on the Five Factor Model (Big five), have only five.

The tests, which are based on the Big five model, also have the disadvantage that they are not based on any theory. This means that with a test result you can only give information about how someone will probably act in a certain situation, but not why. We can, through the underlying theory.

The HumanGuide concepts also differ in other ways, for example because it is not just a test, but because there are many types of support, when applying what has emerged from the test results. For example, we have this web app, which we will soon describe more. There is also the web app, which you can read more about by going to that address and clicking on the same button you just did;-)

In 2003, we also published the book
Let the Personality Bloom, as a support for personal development based on HumanGuide.

The test is now available in 15 languages. It is most widely used in Brazil – over 500,000 tests have been taken since 2010. The test was approved there in 2009 by SATEPSI, as the first of its kind, i.e. forced-choice and internet-based.

The app is bilingual (Swedish and English), which you can set when you are logged in. If you have received a login for the web app, you can use it here as well. Otherwise, you must register on this login page to log in.

Basically, this app is based on having access to HumanGuide Cards, which consists of the test in deck format and this app. The app is a support for the use.

The app mainly has these two basic functions
- to use the deck of cards for e.g. the TeamPlay exercise and other exercises
- to make different types of profiles, e.g. Job Profiles, which will become a requirement specification for recruitment or staffing

Have the purpose
- to develop cooperation in a team
– to practice both giving and receiving feedback (NOTE! All cards have a positive content, so basically you give yourself and others praise;-)
- to increase everyone's self-knowledge
- to briefly learn the useful personality theory Eight boxes

When you are done with TeamPlay, each participant has eight cards, which can be registered in the app and thus produce a rough PersonProfile based on the personality theory.

When doing TeamPlay, the app provides access to a thesaurus as a support.

Make a PersonProfile, JobProfile and CultureProfile
Then a complete test can be done with all 72 cards. The selected cards can then be registered in the app to produce a profile. The cards can also be registered directly into our regular HumanGuide IT system.

Other functions
The app also provides access to the same personality dictionary with advice, which is available in the web app

The app can be used when you have taken a HumanGuide personality test online. To do that, you must have a test code. If you are interested in taking our test, you must contact us via our website or email - you can see the addresses at the bottom of this page. If you have created a HumanGuide PersonProfile, you can view it via this app. You can also agree with other people, so both of you can see each other's profiles through this app. This way you can also analyse your personal chemistry when you are now "connected" with each other.

The app also has a powerful function – to calculate the PassionIndex, i.e. to examine how well a match there is between someone's personality and a job, a culture, or a person. This can provide good guidance before decisions – How to deal with X?

More information about
the HumanGuide® concepts - see or buy the book "Let the personality bloom" via The book is also available there as an eBook. You can also buy the book as an eBook in English via

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